Qual a receita para Neozine?

Qual a receita para Neozine?

Administrar 50 mg, 2 a 5 vezes por dia; aumentar progressivamente a dose, se necessário, até 300 ou 500 mg; em seguida reduzir progressivamente até uma dose de, em média, 50 a 75 mg por dia.

Precisa de receita para comprar Neozine?


Para que serve o Hidroclorotiazida emagrece?

Hidroclorotiazida ajuda a emagrecer? Não, Hidroclorotiazida não deve ser usada para emagrecer, pois não ajuda a reduzir o peso corporal. No entanto, em alguns casos, Hidroclorotiazida pode reduzir a retenção de líquidos, criando uma falsa sensação de perda de peso.

What are the side effects of Tikosyn?

TIKOSYN can cause serious side effects, including a type of abnormal heartbeat called Torsade de Pointes, which can lead to death. To establish the right dose of TIKOSYN, treatment with TIKOSYN must be started in a hospital where your heart rate and kidney function will be checked for the first 3 days of treatment.

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Does Tikosyn cause torsade de pointes?

As with other drugs that cause Torsade de Pointes, TIKOSYN was associated with a greater risk of Torsade de Pointes in female patients than in male patients. During the TIKOSYN clinical development program, the risk of Torsade de Pointes in females was approximately 3 times the risk in males.

When to discontinue Tikosyn after second dose?

NOTE: If at any time after the second dose of Tikosyn is given the QTc or QT is greater than 500 msec (550 msec in patients with ventricular conduction abnormalities), Tikosyn should be discontinued. Step 7.

What is the highest dose of Tikosyn that can be taken?

In clinical trials (see CLINICAL STUDIES ), the highest dose of 500 mcg BID of TIKOSYN as modified by the dosing algorithm led to greater effectiveness than lower doses of 125 or 250 mcg BID as modified by the dosing algorithm. The risk of Torsade de Pointes, however, is related to dose as well as to patient characteristics (see WARNINGS ).

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